Town Board Meetings

Meetings of the Oyster Bay Town Board are conducted in the Town Board Hearing Room, Town Hall North, 54 Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York.

All questions regarding Town Board Meetings please call (516) 624-6380.

How Meetings are Structured

Meetings of the Oyster Bay Town Board begin with public hearings. These are items which, under law, require a public hearing before the Town Board. All such hearings are advertised in advance as to the date, time, place and subject matter. Public hearings are held on a wide range of issues including proposed local laws, amendments to the Town Code, rezoning and special use permit applications, and traffic regulations.

Following any scheduled public hearings, the Town Board moves on to the Action Calendar. This consists of a list of resolutions to be voted on. Some concern routine matters such as calling for a public hearing on a specific issue, accepting bids for Town purchases and road improvement projects, and authorizing the expenditure of funds or the issuance of bonds for financing a purchase.

Once the Action Calendar has been completed, the Town Board holds a Public Comment session. At this time, residents are given an opportunity to address the Town Board on any issue of concern.

General Rules of Procedure

The Supervisor shall preside at meetings of the Town Board. In the Supervisor’s absence, the Senior Councilperson shall preside. There is no limit to the number of times a Town Board member may speak on a question. Motion to close or limit debate may be entertained but shall require the affirmative vote of four members of the Board.

Resident Participation and Rules of Decorum

Each speaker will submit his/her name and address upon a form to be provided by the Town Clerk or his/her designee.  On such form, the speaker shall also indicate whether he/she wishes to speak or comment on a Public Hearing, Action Calendar item, i.e., resolution, or Public Comment.  Speakers must be recognized by the Presiding Officer, and shall be called to speak in the order determined by the Presiding Officer.  Speakers must step to the front of the room and speak into the microphone at the lectern.  Speakers are not to approach the dais without invitation and are directed to make their remarks from the lectern.  No materials (records, documents, etc.) may be placed on the dais or presented to the Board unless either authorization is requested and granted by the Presiding Officer or a Board member specifically requests to see such materials.  All materials that are granted authorization or requested by a Board member for presentation shall be presented to the Town Clerk who shall pass it the Board.  Members of the public shall not shout out or speak out when not recognized by the Presiding Officer.

The Town Decorum Rules are to ensure that the meetings of the Town Board are conducted in a way that allows the business of the Town of Oyster Bay to be effectively undertaken and to ensure that the Decorum Rules are understood by individual or individuals attending Town Board meetings; to ensure that members of the public who attend meetings of the Town Board can be heard in a fair and impartial manner; to ensure that the meetings of the Town Board are conducted in a professional and respectful manner that is open to all viewpoints and which is protective of the content of each speaker’s speech and; to prevent and address behavior that prevents the Town Board from conducting orderly and efficient meetings.

Speakers’ remarks shall be addressed to the Board as a body and not to any specific Board member, nor to any of the Town’s staff or other members of the audience. Speakers and members of the public shall not disrupt, delay, or otherwise impede the orderly conduct of the proceedings by defaming, intimidating, making personal insults, making threats of violence or threats against public order and security, or otherwise violating these Decorum Rules and Procedures.

If these Decorum Rules or Rules and Procedures are violated, the Presiding Officer shall request that the individual or individuals violating a Rule or Rules to stop the violation and the Presiding Officer will issue a verbal warning that the individual or individuals is required to leave the Board Room if they do not stop the violation of the Rule or Rules. If the individual or individuals refuse to stop the violation(s), the Presiding Officer shall cut off comment or debate and shall verbally request that the individual or individuals leave the Board Room. If the individual or individuals refuse to leave when a verbal request is issued by the Presiding Officer, the Presiding Officer shall verbally direct the individual or individuals to leave the Board Room. If the individual or individuals refuse the direction from the Presiding Officer, the Presiding Officer may seek the assistance of law enforcement to remove the individual or individuals. Any decision relating to the enforcement of the Decorum Rules by the Presiding Officer may be overturned by a vote of the majority of the Board Members following a motion, duly seconded.

Speaking on Hearings
Speakers, other than the applicant or its attorneys or experts, shall have five (5) minutes to address the Board on the specific matter that is the subject of the Public Hearing before yielding to the next speaker.  Speakers may not yield their time to other speakers.

Speaking on Action Calendar
During the period identified as “Opportunity for the public to address the board on resolutions only,” speakers may address the Board only on pending resolutions.  Speakers shall identify all resolutions upon which they wish to speak on the form noted above and shall limit their remarks as to those resolutions only.  Speakers shall have three (3) minutes to address the Board on each identified resolution, but not to exceed ten (10) minutes in total.

Speaking During Public Comment
During the period identified as “Public Comment” speakers shall have five (5) minutes to address the Board.  Speakers may not yield their time to other speakers.  All remarks shall be addressed to the Town Board.  The public comment period is designed for comments only.  Board members shall not be required to answer questions or respond to comments, but may respond to questions or comments at their discretion or may direct the question or comment to the appropriate individual to respond.

‘Rules of Decorum’ were adopted in January 2021, and are to be followed at all Town Board meetings.

Use of Recording and Electronic Equipment

All individuals shall place their respective cell phones and electronic devices in silent mode during the public meeting. All individuals attending the public meeting are allowed to photograph and tape or video record public meetings so long as the photography or recording is done in a manner which does not interfere with the meeting.  The Presiding Officer may make the determination that the photography or recording is being done in a manner that interferes with the meeting after taking into consideration attendant movement and activity, distance from the deliberations of the Board, noise, size of equipment, ability of the public to participate in the meeting notwithstanding the photography or recording, and any other pertinent factor.  If the Presiding Officer makes the determination that the photography or recording is interfering with the meeting, the Presiding Officer may request an accommodation to avoid the interference and if not sufficient or complied with, order the photography or recording to be stopped. Any individual violating this section shall be given a verbal warning by the Presiding Officer to cease the conduct.  In the event the individual refuses to cease, the Presiding Officer shall request that the individual leave the Board Room.  Upon a refusal to leave on request, the Presiding Officer shall then verbally direct the individual to leave the Board Room.  Upon refusal of said direction, the Presiding Officer may seek assistance of law enforcement to remove the individual.

Executive Session Policy

It is the policy of the Town Board to conduct Town business in an open fashion and to make available as much information as many legally and practically be disseminated. The New York Open Meetings Law authorizes the Board to conduct business in executive session in a number of areas. The Board recognizes that it is authorized to use executive sessions in these and other situations. To maintain confidentiality and to encourage the uninhibited discussion of the subject matter in executive session, all statements made and positions taken by all participants must remain confidential and may not be disclosed by any participant unless and until disclosure of such information as may be legally disseminated is authorized by affirmative vote of four members of the board. It has been and continues to be the practice of the Board that all members of the Board, acting together, come to agreement by consensus on the specific information which is to be released to the public in accordance with the New York Open Meetings Law, the suitable vehicle for reporting that information, and the timing of the reporting.

**Livestreaming is available only during scheduled Town Board meetings, and will be paused during short breaks.**

Resolution numbers below reflect those considered by the Town Board. Attached links reflect resolutions adopted at respective Town Board meeting.


Town Board CalendarTimeResolutionsMinutesVideo
January 9, 202410:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
January 23, 202410:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
February 13, 202410:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
February 27, 202410:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
March 5, 202410:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
March 19, 202410:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
April 9, 202410:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
May 7, 20247:00 PMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
May 21, 202410:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
June 4, 2024
Public Notice of Special Meeting
12:00 PMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
June 11, 202410:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
June 25, 202410:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
July 23, 202410:00 AMLink
August 13, 202410:00 AM
September 10, 202410:00 AM
October 1, 202410:00 AM
October 15, 2024 (Budget Hearing)10:00 AM
October 15, 2024 (Budget Hearing)7:00 PM
October 29, 202410:00 AM
November 19, 202410:00 AM
December 10, 202410:00 AM


Town Board CalendarTimeResolutionsMinutesVideo
January 10, 202310:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
January 24, 20237:00 PMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
February 7, 202310:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
February 28, 202310:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
March 7, 202310:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
March 21, 20237:00 PMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
April 18, 202310:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
May 9, 20237:00 PMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
May 23, 202310:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
June 13, 2023 (MEETING CANCELED)10:00 AM
June 27, 202310:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
July 18, 202310:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
August 15, 202310:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
September 12, 202310:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
October 3, 202310:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
October 17, 2023 (Budget Hearing)10:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
October 17, 2023 (Budget Hearing)7:00 PMMinutesLink
October 24, 202310:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
November 14, 202310:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink
December 12, 202310:00 AMAdopted ResolutionsMinutesLink


Town Board CalendarTimeResolutionsMinutesVideo
January 11, 202210:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
January 25, 20227:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
February 8, 202210:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
March 1, 202210:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
March 15, 202210:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
March 29, 20227:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
April 12, 202210:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
May 10, 20227:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
May 24, 202210:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
June 14, 202210:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
June 28, 202210:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
July 12, 202210:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
August 9, 202210:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
September 13, 202210:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
October 4, 202210:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
October 18, 2022(Budget Hearing)10:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
October 18, 2022(Budget Hearing)7:00 PMMinutesLink
October 25, 202210:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
November 15, 202210:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
December 13, 202210:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink


Town Board CalendarTimeResolutionsMinutesVideo
January 12, 2021 Calendar
Public Notice Regarding January 12, 2021 Meeting
10:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
January 26, 2021
Public Notice Regarding January 26, 2021 Meeting
7:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
February 9, 2021
Public Notice Regarding February 9, 2021 Meeting
10:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
February 23, 2021
Public Notice Regarding February 23, 2021 Meeting
10:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
March 9, 2021
Public Notice Regarding March 9, 2021 Meeting
10:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
March 23, 2021
Public Notice Regarding March 23, 2021 Meeting
7:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
March 30, 2021
Public Notice Regarding March 30, 2021 Special Meeting
10:00 AMMinutesLink
April 20, 202110:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
May 4, 20217:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
May 18, 202110:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
June 15, 20217:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
June 29, 202110:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
July 13, 202110:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
August 17, 202110:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
September 14, 202110:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
October 5, 202110:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
October 19, 202110:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
October 19, 20217:00 PMMinutesLink
October 26, 202110:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
November 16, 202110:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
December 7, 202110:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink


Town Board CalendarTimeResolutionsMinutesVideo
January 7, 202010:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
January 28, 20207:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
February 11, 202010:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
February 25, 202010:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
March 10, 2020 (morning)
March 10, 2020 (evening hearing)
10:00 AM
7:00 PM (postponed)
Adopted ResosMinutesLink
March 31, 202010:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
April 21, 202010:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
May 5, 202010:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
May 19, 202010:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
June 2, 202010:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
June 16, 202010:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
July 14, 202010:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
August 18, 202010:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
September 15, 202010:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
September 17, 2020- Special Public Hearing, Seritage Application7:00 PMMinutesLink
October 6, 202010:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
October 20, 202010:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesDay Link
October 20, 20207:00 PMMinutesEvening Link
October 27, 202010:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
November 17, 202010:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
December 8, 202010:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
December 8, 20207:00 PMMinutesLink


Town Board CalendarTimeResolutionMinutesVideo
January 8, 201910:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
January 29, 20197:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
February 12, 201910:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
February 26, 201910:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
March 12, 201910:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
March 21, 2019 (Special Meeting)10:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
March 26, 20197:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
April 16, 201910:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
May 7, 20197:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
May 21, 201910:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
June 4, 201910:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
June 18, 20197:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
July 9, 201910:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
July 30, 201910:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
August 20, 201910:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
September 17, 201910:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
October 3, 201910:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
October 22, 201910:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
October 22, 20197:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
October 29, 201910:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
November 19, 201910:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
December 10, 201910:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink


Town Board CalendarTimeResolutionMinutesVideo
Friday, January 9, 201810:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, January 23, 20187:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, February 6, 201810:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, February 27, 20187:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, March 13, 201810:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, March 27, 20187:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, April 10, 201810:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, April 24, 20187:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, May 8, 201810:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, May 22, 20187:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, June 5, 201810:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, June 12, 201810:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, June 26, 20187:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, July 10, 201810:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, July 24, 201810:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, August 14, 201810:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, September 18, 201810:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, October 2, 201810:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, October 16, 201810:00 AM
7:00 PM
Adopted ResosDay Minutes
Evening Minutes
Day Link
Evening Link
Tuesday, October 30, 201810:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, November 20, 20187:00 PMAdopted ResosMinutesLink
Tuesday, December 11, 201810:00 AMAdopted ResosMinutesLink


Town Board CalendarTimeResolutionMinutesVideo
Friday, January 6, 201710:00 AMLinkLink
Tuesday, January 10, 201710:00 AMAdopted Resos 1-36LinkLink
Tuesday, January 24, 201710:00 AMAdopted Resos 37-63LinkLink
Tuesday, January 31, 20179:00 AMAdopted Resos 64LinkLink
Tuesday, February 14, 201710:00 AMAdopted Resos 64-99LinkLink
Tuesday, February 28, 20177:00 PMAdopted Resos 100-116LinkLink
Tuesday, March 7, 201710:00 AMAdopted Resos 117-125LinkLink
Tuesday, March 21, 20177:00 PMAdopted Resos 127-152LinkLink
Tuesday, April 4, 201710:00 AMAdopted Resos 153-184LinkLink
Wednesday, April 5, 20177:00 PM(Continuation)LinkLink
Tuesday, April 25, 20177:00 PMAdopted Resos 185-228LinkLink
Tuesday, May 9, 201710:00 AMAdopted Resos 229-255LinkLink
Tuesday, May 23, 20177:00 PMAdopted Resos 256-297LinkLink
Tuesday, June 6, 201710:00 AMAdopted Resos 298-326LinkLink
Tuesday, June 20, 20177:00 PMAdopted Resos 327-373LinkLink
Tuesday, July 11, 201710:00 AMAdopted Resos 374-414LinkLink
Tuesday, July 25, 201710:00 AMAdopted Resos 415-449LinkLink
Tuesday, August 15, 201710:00 AMAdopted Resos 451-527LinkLink
Tuesday, August 22, 201710:00 AMAdopted Resos (Special Meeting)LinkLink
Tuesday, September 12, 20177:00 PMAdopted Resos 530-600LinkLink
Tuesday, October 3, 201710:00 AMAdopted Resos 601-650LinkLink
Tuesday, October 17, 201710:00 AM & 7:00 PMAdopted Resos (Budget Hearings)LinkLink
Tuesday, October 24, 20173:00 PMAdopted Resos (Special Meeting)LinkLink
Tuesday, November 14, 201710:00 AMAdopted ResosLinkLink
Tuesday, November 28, 20177:00 PMAdopted ResosLinkLink
Tuesday, December 12, 201710:00 AMAdopted ResosLinkLink