2025 Town Calendar

Town activities and programs that are available to all Town residents, includes sanitation collection dates and holidays.

Town Board Meetings

Town Board calendar, Town Board hearing dates and times and an overview of the Town Board hearing process including proposed traffic amendments. On or about the day prior to the scheduled Town Board meeting, resolutions to be considered by the Town Board will be posted in their draft form with applicable backup. Adopted resolutions in their final form will be made available in this section once adopted and processed. When available, Minutes of meetings will also be posted in this section.

Zoning Board of Appeals

The Z.B.A. section offers an overview of the board as well as hearing dates and the latest hearing calendars.

Planning Advisory Board

The Planning Advisory Board (P.A.B) is empowered to review applications for projects in certain designated zoning districts of the Town.

Landmarks Preservation Commission

The commission was formed in 1974 to review all applications for designation of Town landmarks.

Fire Advisory Board

The Town Fire Advisory Board was established to help improve communication and cooperation between the Town and the various fire districts located within our borders.

Veterans Advisory Council

The Town Veterans Advisory Council was formed to focus on a wide range of veterans issues and established a network of communication between the veteran community throughout the Town of Oyster Bay and the Office of the Supervisor.

Board of Ethics

The Town of Oyster Bay’s new Code of Ethics, adopted by the Town Board in 2016 and found in Chapter 30 of the Town’s Code is intended to provide clear and reasonable standards of ethical conduct to officers and employees of the Town of Oyster Bay. VIEW THE TOWN OF OYSTER BAY’S CODE OF ETHICS.

For information on upcoming elections, visit the NASSAU COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS.