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Official 2024 Town of Oyster Bay Survey
1. Overall Priorities: Please identify your top priorities from following items.
Select All
Revitalization of our Downtowns
Protecting our Environment
Improving Roadway Conditions
Keeping Debt Low/Stable
Preserving our Suburban Quality of Life
Holding the Line on Property Taxes
Expanding Town Programs and Activities
2. Over the past two years, has the Town of Oyster Bay been moving in a positive direction or a negative direction?
Positive Direction
Negative Direction
3. Do you support the 2024 Town Budget which holds the line on taxes and continues the 2018 Property Tax cut OR should spending increase to provide new services?
Tax Cut
Prefers New Services
3b. What new services?
List the new services you would like to see offered by the Town.
4. More than 1,000 streets have been repaved by investing millions in roadways. At the same time, the Town has reduced debt by over $187 million. Should we:
Continue paving roads and reducing debt
Increase debt to pave more roads
5. The Town offers a free summer concert series in local parks. What music would you like to hear in 2024?
6. The Town Board recently proposed "up-zoning" golf course properties throughout the Town of Oyster Bay to prevent overdevelopment of these sites. For instance, should a golf course close and be sold, this proposed law would limit development to single-family homes situated on 2 acres each. Do you support this proposal to limit development to single family homes OR do you support high-density apartment buildings to be constructed on these sites?
Yes, I support this proposal to limit development to single family homes.
No, I support high-density apartment buildings.
No Opinion
7. The Town of Oyster Bay earned eight credit rating upgrades from Wall Street for ongoing efforts to reduce debt and improve finances while holding the line on taxes. These upgrades save taxpayers significant money each time we repave roads, improve parks and help water districts upgrade infrastructure to keep your drinking water safe. Is the Town doing enough to improve its finances?
8. How do you prefer to receive information about Town programs and events? Check all that apply.
Social Media
Robo Calls
Email Newsletter
8b. If 'Other', how would you prefer to receive information?
9. How would you rate overall services in the Town of Oyster Bay?
Above Average
Below Average
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
ZIP / Postal Code