The Home Improvement Exemptions is an eight year decreasing exemption on alterations, reconstructions or improvements which increase the assessed value of a one- or two-family home. In the first year, 100% of the assessed value of the improvement is exempt. In the second year, 87.5%, in the third year, 75% and so on. To receive an application, write to the Nassau County Department of Assessment at 240 Old Country Road, Mineola, NY 11501, or call (516) 571-1500.
In Nassau County and the Town of Oyster Bay, all Veterans applying for the first time for a Veterans’ Real Property Tax Exemption will receive an exemption based on the type of service they rendered to our country during wartime. This exemption is called the Alternative Veterans’ Exemption. Like the Eligible Funds Exemption it replaces, it applies to county and general municipal taxes, including village taxes (if the village has opted in). School taxes may also be reduced in school districts that have opted to offer the reduction. It DOES NOT apply to special district taxes. Request an application from the Nassau County Department of Assessment, Veterans Exemption Division, 240 Old Country Road, Mineola, NY 11501, or call (516) 571-1500.
The Cold War Veterans’ Exemption provides a property tax exemption to veterans who served during the Cold War period. An additional exemption is provided to disabled veterans who served during this period. The basic exemption is limited to the primary residence of the veteran, and is applicable only to general taxes. School taxes may also be reduced in school districts that have opted to offer the reduction. It DOES NOT apply to special district taxes. Request an application from the Nassau County Department of Assessment, Veterans Exemption Division, 240 Old Country Road, Mineola, NY 11501, or call (516) 571-1500.
The School Tax Relief (STAR) program provides eligible homeowners with relief on their property taxes. There are two programs, the STAR Credit and STAR Exemption.
The STAR Credit program provides a check in the mail from the New York State Tax Department to apply to your school taxes. This program is available to eligible new homeowners, homeowners whose income is between $250,000 and $500,000, as well as any homeowners that change their registration from the STAR Exemption to the STAR Credit.
The STAR Exemption program provides a reduction on the school tax bill in the form of a property tax exemption. This program is not available to new homeowners.
Residents currently enrolled in the STAR Exemption program have the option of switching to the STAR Credit program as there may be a greater benefit. Due to recent changes in the law, the value of the STAR credit savings may increase by as much as 2% per year, but the value of the STAR exemption savings cannot increase. The savings in the Credit program will never be less than the exemption program. You cannot receive both the Credit and Exemption.
To register for the STAR Credit program, please contact the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance at www.tax.ny.gov or call (518) 457-2036.
For questions regarding the STAR Exemption program, please contact the Nassau County Department of Assessment at (516) 571-1500.
The Senior Citizen Tax Reduction Program allows persons over the age of 65, who fulfill certain criteria, to receive up to 50% reduction on the taxable values of countywide, Townwide and certain school districts’ real property tax values. The amount of actual reduction varies based on income and is dependent upon whether the taxing jurisdiction agencies in which the property is located offer reductions. Request an application from the Nassau County Department of Assessment, Senior Citizens Division, 240 Old Country Road, Mineola, NY 11501, or call (516) 571-1500.